List of fishes of the Houtman AbrolhosW
List of fishes of the Houtman Abrolhos
Western angelsharkW
Western angelshark
Banjos banjosW
Banjos banjos
Ginger carpetsharkW
Ginger carpetshark
Bighead catsharkW
Bighead catshark
Australian blackspotted catsharkW
Australian blackspotted catshark
Banded sand catsharkW
Banded sand catshark
Slender sawtail catsharkW
Slender sawtail catshark
Speckled catsharkW
Speckled catshark
Variegated catsharkW
Variegated catshark
Velvet dogfishW
Velvet dogfish
Baldchin groperW
Baldchin groper
Sicklefin houndsharkW
Sicklefin houndshark
Pataecus frontoW
Pataecus fronto
Ningaloo maskrayW
Ningaloo maskray
Giant sawbellyW
Giant sawbelly
Australian grey smooth-houndW
Australian grey smooth-hound
Striped stingareeW
Striped stingaree
Chelmonops curiosusW
Chelmonops curiosus
Bluespotted tuskfishW
Bluespotted tuskfish
Floral banded wobbegongW
Floral banded wobbegong
Spotted wobbegongW
Spotted wobbegong
Dwarf spotted wobbegongW
Dwarf spotted wobbegong