Chiropsalmus quadrumanusW
Chiropsalmus quadrumanus

Chiropsalmus quadrumanus, commonly known as the four-handed box jellyfish, is a species of box jellyfish found in the western Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. The sting is venomous and dangerous to humans, especially children.

Coryne eximiaW
Coryne eximia

Coryne eximia is a species of athecate hydroid belonging to the family Corynidae.

Goniodiscaster scaberW
Goniodiscaster scaber

Goniodiscaster scaber is a species of sea stars in the family Oreasteridae. Its scientific name was first published in 1859 by Karl August Möbius, who placed it in the genus Goniodiscus.

Iconaster longimanusW
Iconaster longimanus

Iconaster longimanus, the icon star or double star, is a species of starfish in the family Goniasteridae. It is found in the west and central Indo-Pacific Ocean. The genus name comes from the Greek eikon, meaning portrait or image and possibly referring to the way the marginal plates frame the disc, and aster, meaning star. The specific name comes from the Latin longus manus and refers to the long, slender arms.

Isozoanthus sulcatusW
Isozoanthus sulcatus

Isozoanthus sulcatus is a species of zoanthid in the family Parazoanthidae.

Ophiopsila annulosaW
Ophiopsila annulosa

Ophiopsila annulosa is a species of brittle stars belonging to the family Ophiocomidae.

Persa incolorataW
Persa incolorata

Persa incolorata is a species of deep-sea hydrozoan found in the monotypic genus Persa in the family Rhopalonematidae.